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39 West 29th Street
New York, NY, 10001
United States


Professional Make-Up and Hair, Production Company based in New York City, New York. Discover their portfolio and business ventures. On Location or at our studio. Contact with inquiries. NYC Makeup Artist , Hair Stylist .


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Filtering by Tag: diy

I saw it on YouTube

Neon Fix

YouTube has cemented itself as the go-to source, when you want to learn just about anything. If you’re like many women, it’s where you get all the best beauty advice. As a beauty professional and licensed cosmetologist, I’m constantly looking for new techniques and product reviews, but there’s just some sh*t you can’t learn on YouTube.

Excuse my language, and understand, I’m not a YouTube hater, in fact, I love YouTube. However, a lot of things beauty should not be tried at home. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it is not wise to perform chemical services on your own head without supervision. This means relaxers, colors, perms, keratin treatments, etc.

Any service that relies on even distribution of product, and works on a limited amount of time, is a bad idea to try at home. The process of rinsing your hair will most likely cause toxic chemicals to run over your face and/or body but worse than that, there’s a good chance you missed a spot. Missing a spot could mean you didn’t put enough protective cream on your scalp, now you have a burn. Missing a spot could mean you have a huge patch of uncolored hair. Missing a spot could also mean you didn’t rinse properly, now you’re… missing hair in a spot.

Of course there’s nothing wrong with trying a beauty product and risking a rash, or attempting a haircut and looking like Cynthia Pickles, but there’s something hugely wrong with chemical burns, missing hair and horrible color.

We Love this Hair Hack!!! Fake Holiday Bangs!!!

Neon Fix

Want a fresh new look for this years holiday festivities? Why not try scissor free fake bangs? Your only a few minutes away from this chic look No haircut needed! Email us your faux Bang look and we'll feature the dopest ones!!!!

xoxo Jhenelle Hill